Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Own Your Future

Interesting mail today. I received a mailing from the Office of The Governor, State of Iowa. This mailing is a new initiative called "Own Your Future". This is an initiative by the Federal Govt and State of Iowa. The purpose of this initiative is to encourage people between the ages of 45 & 65 to begin planning for their long-term care. They offer a free kit that can be ordered, called a Long Term Care Planning Kit, which was created by the US Dept of Health & Human Services.

The website provided a link www.longtermcare.gov/campaign/ia

I checked this out and basically it seems be all good but of course there is the end of life discussions. Surprise. Is this the new watered down version of the VA Booklet that the DHS has been giving to our Veterans? I am not a veteran so it seems this is going public.

It is disgusting the way this admin is and has been treating our veterans. The veterans know more about hard work and sacrifice than any of those thugs and thieves in DC.

Just thought I would share my interesting mail today. If you are able to find out any more info about this, like, is this every state doing this or just Iowa, let me know.

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